The rules, as documented [1], don't restrict editorship of a wiki used as a
project website to just committers but ask that only those who have a signed
CLA on file be allowed to edit the pages destined for the project website.
It doesn't say we can't restrict it to just committers of course.

I think we should allow this wider level of access. I have added the asf-cla
group into our space permission list and given it the same rights as
committers (apart from admin rights). I admit that I don't know though
how/when people are added to asf-cla but assume that it is done when a CLA
is received.

I believe that in keeping with [1] we do need to turn off create rights for
confluence-users whichever way we go. If people agree to this I (or any
other committer for that matter) can make the change.

We also had a discussion previously about creating a new space which is not
used for the web site and supports more ad-hoc editing of content. Is there
still and appetite for this? If so we should request one now as we turn off
general edit rights.




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