You pretty much summarized the advantages of having multiple spaces

From Admin point of view, there are all benefits from having multiple spaces, you have 
more control on everything, it is more granular and the maintenance is 
From the user perspective it is transparent, however they get improved HTML 
render speed.
From development perspective it's just matter of getting used to the architecture. Have a good understanding 
"what" goes "where" and "why". You can also have multiple templates for 
exporting the spaces (well, still limited to one per space), this give you some additional flexibility. You 
could manage all the menus directly at template level so there would not be the need for the {include} on 
every single page anymore.

As for planning I would start doing a breakdown planning for the current 
content trying to maximize reusability within those spaces; come up with some 
grouping criteria. Then work on what would be the relation between those 
spaces. You'll also need to outline a hierarchy and naming convention. Separate 
wiki content from website content. Define user groups and roles.

Using "themes" as you pointed out from did not work for us. It 
required lot of template customization at Confluence level plus we would still have to 
use the AE plugin template to export to HTML. We rather used the later that in addition 
supported css and we were more independent from infra to make these changes. Changes made 
to the AE plugin template do not affect Confluence.



Luciano Resende wrote:
Should we have a discussion around our wiki strategy and make sure we
do the right thing?

We could use the Geronimo wiki strategy [1] as an example and start point.

I think we should consider the following things:
  - Naming Convention
  - Access Control List for the wiki spaces
  - Scope for contents
      - What goes where..
      - What is going to be available on the website space
      - What is going to be available on the other wiki spaces
  - Navigation on defined scopes
  - Maintainability

If we come up with a scheme that would have multiple spaces, that is
going to be transparent for the end user, we may have couple
advantages :

  - Easy content administration
     - We could apply the "Left Navigation Template", similar to the
one used at and then we would maintain sub-space look and
feel more consistent without having to use page templates that will be
hard to maintain in the future.
  - Small spaces are easier to maintain and organize
  - Separate spaces can make it easy to track web traffic to specific
sub projects
  - etc

Well, I'm not convinced we need the same amount of spaces Geronimo
have, but we might take advantages of having multiple spaces, and I
wanted to throw the idea and would like to hear back your thoughts and

Herman, could also share little more about your experience with
Confluence in the Geronimo project, and how multiple spaces made life
easier for you guys ?


On 6/6/07, Hernan Cunico <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I would suggest you guys use lower case for the space names, at least for the one with the highest hierarchy. Remember the URL is case sensitive and it is based on the space ID. Ideally should take you to a page consolidating pointers to all the other Tuscany spaces. This would be the "tuscany" space. Then you could have shorter names to identify project name and space. Long time ago when all the Confluence thingy was just starting we came out with the following convention, AAAxBBB. That is 3 cap letters for identify the project and 2 or more to identify the specific space, all separated by a lower case "x". Hence the names used in the Geronimo spaces (

However not all the projects are following this convention so, ultimately, it's up to you guys. The idea is to make your like easier when you get to the point when you need to start spanning to more and more spaces.



Simon Laws wrote:
>> OK so,
> I'll raise a JIRA against infrastructure asking for a new space to act as
> our wiki:
> Name: Apache Tuscany Wiki
> Is everyone happy with this name?
> Venkat, when you say "administrator" privileges I assume you mean
> confluence
> admin privileges? Wouldn't this be a separate request? If so can you go
> ahead with this also.
> Regards
> Simon

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