The current model is as follows:
  X is an established and widely used technology
  Tuscany SCA wants to provide support for X
  The Tuscany SCA community creates an extension for X
  The Tuscany SCA extension for X is delivered in a Tuscany SCA release

There is nothing wrong with this and I would not want to change
anything that is currently there.

In the future, let's hope that Tuscany SCA becomes an established and
widely used technology.  It is then possible to imagine the following:
  Tuscany SCA is an established and widely used technology
  Another technology X wants to provide support for Tuscany SCA
  The X community creates a Tuscany SCA extension for X
  The Tuscany SCA extension for X is delivered in an X release


Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:

Simon Nash wrote:

I would prefer not to delay SCA 0.91 for the DAS support.  Unless we
are confident that the DAS release can be created quickly, I think
it's better to go ahead with SCA 0.91 as planned and defer the DAS


An alternative packaging approach (which I am starting to think would
be even better) is to reverse the dependency and have the DAS release
ship the pieces identified by Luciano below.  It should be possible
(even desirable) for Tuscany SCA extensions that support another
technology to ship as part of a release of that technology rather than
always making them part of a Tuscany SCA release.

I'm trying to understand this thought.

Here are some of our technology dependencies:

binding-ws -> Axis2
binding-jms -> ActiveMQ
binding-feed -> Rome
databinding-sdo -> SDO
binding-jsonrpc -> json
implementation-das -> DAS
implementation-bpel -> ODE
implementation-spring -> Spring
implementation->osgi -> Equinox
databinding-xmlbeans -> XMLBeans
databinding-jaxb -> JAXB
binding-ejb -> Geronimo
http->jetty -> Jetty
http-tomcat -> Tomcat

tuscany-core -> J2SE 5.0 :) and woodstox

I know that many combinations are possible, but as long as something works, I'm not sure why we would exclude it from a Tuscany release.

Which ones are you proposing to pick out and not include in a Tuscany SCA release?

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