On 10/4/07, Raymond Feng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I put together a demo application to showcase our XML integration story.
> The
> business scenario is derived from the bigbank demo and the main function
> is
> to calculate the total value (using a selected currency) of a customer who
> has checking/saving/stock accounts.
> At this moment, I add three different sources to provide XML data.
> 1) A live feed to retrieve the exchange rate (binding.feed) and use XPath
> to
> exact the rate for a given currency. I have to use Rome API to convert the
> feed as our feed binding produces Feed objects.
> 2) The account data for a customer is loaded from a XML file. (We can use
> implementation.data once Sebastien's proposal is implemented).
> 3) A live Web Service invocation to get the quotes for a list of symbols.
> Only XMLStreamReader is used as the input and output. (binding.ws)
> 4) The calculation of the total value is implemented using XQuery to join
> the XML data from 2 and 3. (implementation.xquery)
> The demo application is checked in under r581755. I hope we can use it as
> a
> test-bed to further drive our XML integration story. Please feel free to
> chime in with your ideas, for example, add implementation.data or
> implementation.das, or implementation.bpel.
> Thanks,
> Raymond

That looks really good. The XML integration story is something I've always
thought could be a great demonstration of Tuscany's value...and of the value
of things like Tuscany's support for dynamic/script languages.

I'd really like to be able to replace the CustomerAssetImpl Java class used
in that demo with a dynamic language component, say Ruby or JavaScript, for
example, like this with JavaScript/E4X which seems much more concise and
readable to me than the Java code:

function getTotalValue(currency) {
   java.lang.System.out.println("Retrieving exchange rate...");

   feed = exchangeRate.getRates();
   entry = feed.getEntries().get(0);
   rateTable = new XML(entry.getSummary().getValue());

   rate = rateTable.TR.(TD[0]==currency).TD[1]

   accounts = accountData.getAccounts();

   quotes = stockQuote.GetStockQuotes(
         <q:GetQuotes xmlns:q="http://swanandmokashi.com";>

   value = stockValue.calculate(quotes, accounts);

   java.lang.System.out.println("Total Value=USD " + value);
   return value;

And even that could probably be simplified if we could get
exchangeRate.getRates() to return e4x xml.

Unfortunately none of that JavaScript code is working in Tuscany any more :(
Similar things did used to work but we're lost the the E4X databinding and
support for xml references in script components that we used to have. It
would be a fair bit of work to get all that going again so before i (or
anyone else who wants to help) does that - is there much interested in
supporting stuff like this?


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