Comments inline.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Simon Laws" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 2:39 AM
Subject: Re: A demo application to showcase our XML integration story

On 10/4/07, Raymond Feng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I put together a demo application to showcase our XML integration story.
business scenario is derived from the bigbank demo and the main function
to calculate the total value (using a selected currency) of a customer who
has checking/saving/stock accounts.

At this moment, I add three different sources to provide XML data.

1) A live feed to retrieve the exchange rate (binding.feed) and use XPath
exact the rate for a given currency. I have to use Rome API to convert the
feed as our feed binding produces Feed objects.

2) The account data for a customer is loaded from a XML file. (We can use once Sebastien's proposal is implemented).

3) A live Web Service invocation to get the quotes for a list of symbols.
Only XMLStreamReader is used as the input and output. (

4) The calculation of the total value is implemented using XQuery to join
the XML data from 2 and 3. (implementation.xquery)

The demo application is checked in under r581755. I hope we can use it as
test-bed to further drive our XML integration story. Please feel free to
chime in with your ideas, for example, add or
implementation.das, or implementation.bpel.



I'd quite like to see some transformation going on , i.e. something like an implementation.xslt. Isn't Saxon also an XSLT processor so can we already do

The XSLT is already in the JDK (javax.xml.transform or TrAX). Apache Xalan is one of the implementations. It would be nice to support <implementation.xslt>.

There could be something mappings between XSLT and SCA. The implementation.xslt could have a fixed operation to transform the XML inforset such as:

Node transform(Node ...);

We can also map XSLT functions to be SCA services. Top-level <xsl:param> might be used as SCA properties. Injecting of SCA references will be interesting too.

We could, for example,

- convert the resulting "totals" message into a different format
- produce a formatted statement or some SVG to graph the various totals.
- Produce and XForm for this xml application



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