Raymond Feng wrote:

When we introspect the simple types on a java method, we map it to a xsd type, such as java.lang.String to xsd:string.

This may be a dumb question :) why don't we convert a method parameter (I guess that's what you meant) to an element in the first place?

Isn't that what happens anyway with a doc / wrapped Java <-> XSD mapping?

Isn't an XSD element converted into a parameter in the other direction?

How could a parameter be represented by a type? maybe I'm really confused and this is a really dumb question :)

When it's converted to some databindings which requires an element (such as DOM or AXIOM), we need to have an xsd element. The element information can be derived from either the source or target data type. In case that none of them have the element information, we will create a dummy element. It's similar to convert a SDO data object into a DOM Node (Customer --> <dummy xsi:type="Customer">...</dummy>).

Ideally, the remotable java interface could be normalized as WSDL by applying the java2wsdl rules. Then the element names for the parameters can be "ns:param0", "ns:param1", etc.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Jean-Sebastien Delfino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <tuscany-dev@ws.apache.org>
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2007 3:16 PM
Subject: Re: could databinding-axiom Object2OMElement construct a default elem?

Raymond Feng wrote:

In a short answer, yes. We should try to create a dummy element in such case. I believe we already do that for DOM. Do you want to provide a patch :-)?


Could you help a me understand why a dummy element is needed?


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