On 10/20/07, Jean-Sebastien Delfino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Simon Laws wrote:
> >>> On 10/17/07, Raymond Feng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> I collected all the input we have so far at the following WIKI page:
> >>>>
> >>
> http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/TUSCANYWIKI/Roadmap+Discussion
> >>
> Thanks for doing that!
> >>
> >> Coincidentally there's a recent news article related to the
> worthwhileness
> >> of these types of lists over on INFOQ:
> >> http://www.infoq.com/news/2007/10/product-backlogs-wasteful
> >>
> >> We did try having the "wishlist" jira version but it never really ended
> up
> >> being used very much.
> >>
> >>    ...ant
> >>
> [snip]
> > Thanks for the ref ant. Very interesting. In our case the list we have
> > generated is very much a list of "features desired but not yet
> > implemented".I wasn't suggesting we take the next step and analyse them
> all
> > in detail though, just that we don't loose these thoughts in case
> someone
> > decides that they would like to do the analysis in the future.
> >
> > I think this thread is equating the act of creating a "Roadmap" with
> > identifying the ideas that the currently active community agree will add
> > real value to Tuscany SCA and it's users.  I'm keen though that we don't
> > create an immutable  plan/roadmap and that we have plenty of ideas
> hanging
> > around that may encourage those not currently contributing to do so. I
> see
> > the danger of a stated roadmap is that it gives the impression that that
> is
> > what is going to happen, that all the items are being worked on and
> > encourages people to sit back and wait for features to arrive.
> >
> > Re. the "wish" JIRA type. maybe now is the time. The wiki page is  a
> long
> > list already. Wish list items don't require much management, they may
> hang
> > around for a long time but they provide inspiration to newcomers and to
> the
> > active community when we inevitably repeat this exercise.
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Simon
> >
> >
> How about trying to understand the use cases for that Wiki page and/or
> JIRA list? Here are a few:
> A) I just found out about SCA and Tuscany. I want to know what it does
> now and what it'll do in the future.
> B) I'm using Tuscany. I want to know what features will be provided,
> short, middle and long term.
> C) I'd like to contribute to Tuscany. Who's working on what and are
> there any interesting areas that I could jump into?
> more thoughts?
> Here are some roadmaps that I found worthwhile and useful as a lurker,
> user, and potential contributor. There are some good organization +
> format ideas in these roadmaps:
> [1] http://harmony.apache.org/roadmap.html
> [2] http://cwiki.apache.org/GMOxDEV/roadmap-for-21.html
> [3]
> http://cwiki.apache.org/GMOxPMGT/geronimo-what-folks-are-working-on.html
> [4] http://wiki.apache.org/ws/FrontPage/Axis2/post-1%2e3-plans
> [5] http://ode.apache.org/roadmap.html
> [6] http://subversion.tigris.org/roadmap.html
> Going back to the use cases: IMO a roadmap like [3] answers question
> (C), and questions (A) and (B) too... as seeing people names and the
> releases that they target shows that the listed features are not just
> wishes or vaporware.
> Hope this helps.

I'm not so sure about having names against items on the roadmap as done in
[3]. I think its good to avoid unnecessary personalizing things -  no author
tags in source code,  no code/function "owners", emails addressed to the
community not individuals etc as that helps encourage anyone to participate.


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