On Jan 24, 2008 4:20 PM, ant elder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Updating this list with other suggestions gives (added points 6-9):
> 1) applications to contain only the code and other artifacts required for
> the application itself not Tuscany internals - simple sca contribution jars
> 2) some sort of runtime(s) which can run those application contribution
> jars, so that could be things like standalone (command prompt), from
> testcases, in a webapp, or some customization of something like
> Tomcat/Geronimo/WebSphere/JBoss etc
> 3) Those runtimes need to be distributed but the Tuscany download page
> should have a small number of downloads so its easy for users to work out
> which to choose
> 4) To make it easy for newbies to run things so at least one distribution
> should have prebuilt samples so they can be run out-of-the box without
> having to be compiled/built and for things to work without having to do
> much/any messing about with installation/configuration/customizing.
> 5) Ideally the easy to use distribution is not so large.
> 6) automatic testing of samples
> 7) smaller packages
> 8) easier for people to find what they need
> 9) provide people with packages that fit their scenarios, not cluttered
> with other things they don't need

This list is already pretty much in the order I favour, (1) being more
important than (9). How would others arrange it?


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