Hi again,

Ok, I'm getting further, i can use implementation.osgi now in Eclipse/Equinox,
can call an OSGi service from an implementation.java component and expose an 
OSGi service using binding.ws. That's good (-: Thanks for your support!

Now the next step: references of an implementation.osgi service. I read 
http://incubator.apache.org/tuscany/sca-java-implementationosgi.html and
have some question about some of the statements there:

-> "SCA runtime does not perform reference injection for OSGi-based component 
implementation. Reference lookup should always use the service registered 
with the highest ranking to ensure that SCA wiring and scope are maintained."
Is that a limitation in principle or just a missing feature currently? I.e. will
it be possible in a later version to wire together implementation.osgi 
using the SCA composite definition without having to add OSGi service lookup 
to the implementation? Or must (should?) this always be done in OSGi?
-> "When OSGi declarative services are used, service registration and reference 
binding are performed by the OSGi declarative services runtime."

Ok, I'll look into declarative services tomorrow, and I've seen already that 
are test cases for this in itest/osgi-implementation. However, I do not 
what is the relation between the reference definitions in the .composite files 
the OSGi service component files in this case. Do I really have to specify the 
information in two files? 

-> "References from components using <implementation.osgi/> can be wired to 
services ..."

How does this work when reference injection is not performed, as said before? I 
tried to wire an implementation.osgi component to an implementation.java one, 
but I 
get a NullPointerException when calling the reference, because the reference is 
injected, but I also get no error or warning from Tuscany. I see that there are 
cases for this, e.g. 
where the OSGi retailers are referencing Java warehouses and it seems to work 
Is there a trick I'm missing? Is it different because I'm using Tuscany bundles?
Any hint where I could starting to debug this?

It has been a long day ... sorry if I'm asking dumb questions.


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