I mean no offense and lay no blame. It's simply that I feel like I've
been led up a nice gentle beach and suddenly I'm dodging boulders at the
bottom of a cliff.

I've learned to program with Python (and can hardly conceive of a better
language to be honest)- and I still think the core language is great:
elegant, easy to use and brilliantly documented.

But the more I explore the standard library and third party modules, the
more I run into trouble: a chaotic library structure that seems to
conceal capabilities rather than promote them, similar modules that
don't work in similar ways, a whole new level of opaque programming
lingo that makes me feel excluded, behaviours that I don't understand,
don't want, and that I can't find documentation to explain, and so on.

I guess it's not Python's fault: I'm guess I'm just too stupid. But I'm
just getting really disenchanted. Sorry.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kent Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 27 July 2007 13:07
To: Barton David
Cc: tutor@python.org
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Shelve del not reducing file size

Barton David wrote:
> *sigh* I'm really going off Python.

In what way is it Python's fault that the dbm database doesn't reclaim
disk space?


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