
this was my original question:

As of now, I want to understand how I can add
further functionalities to my program such as: appending items to the
list, removing and replacing items. Can anyone help?

Simple as that.


On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 1:41 PM, Dominik George <> wrote:
> Hash: SHA512
> Rafael Knuth <> schrieb:
>>> it's not your program - it's your attitude. We expect you to learn
>>for yourself as well, and putting the commands you output into a script
>>and execute it clearly isn't beyond what we can expect from someone who
>>can use a mail program.
>>Thanks for the clarification, you were the third kid on the block I
>>missed to add to my feedback on behavior I find inappropriate.
>>You are suggesting that my attitude is wrong, but what's wrong about
>>doing baby-steps even if it's at the level of someone barely able to
>>use a mail program? I simply want to create a To Do List program, and
>>I couldn't find any tutorials on that, therefore I reached out to the
>>mailing list. And here I am, justifying myself for my first clumsy
>>attempt to accomplish my goal.
>>I am still hoping that I will get some feedback from anyone on that
>>list that will help me make a tiny little next step.
>>Thank you in advance,
> You already got that - remove the surrounding print() and put it in a script.
> Why haven't you taken that advice yet?
> - -nik
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