
> OTOH, *if* your claim that you understand the concepts mentioned by Dave
> isn't an ill-minded overestimation, I wonder why you don't go and use
> these skills. Doyou lack a concept of how to logically build up your
> code, or what's the main issue?

Exactly. I didn't know how to put those pieces I learned into a
program I wanted to create, and I was not aware of which skills I
still missed (which turned out to be writing to and reading from

>> I don't understand yet what a top-level program is, but I will figure that 
>> out.
> The thing the python interpreter calls, that is not in a class:, def: or
> some other block.

Ok, go you.

> You're welcome back with your results ☺!

Thank you!

All the best,

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