On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 2:13 PM, Crush <crushe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am now able to print stderr to the screen, however I still can not run
> conditional statements against stderr.
> Please see the screenshots(SS) here...
> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/31wyjtvqymo94uk/AAAZaxwB27nw1nmz7tz69I5La?dl=0

Hi Bo,

Consider case sensitivity.

>>> "a" == "A"

Also, in the screenshots you're presenting, you very much should want
to do a copy-and-paste of the text content and include it in your
question text.  The reason is because, for all the Tutor folks who
aren't in a GUI right now, they can't see your program.

For the sake of the others on the list: your first screenshot has the following:

for line in p.stderr:
    print line
    if "segmentation" in line:
        print "Yes it is"

and your second screenshot has the content:

      11265 Segmentation fault           | ./bmdplay -m 12 -f pipe:0

Gave up
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