On 30/08/14 23:31, Bo Morris wrote:

time to a more appropriate amount. Anyone see any issues with it or ways
to make it better?

One obvious issue:

while True:
     while count < 15:
         for line in p.stderr:
>              if  "Segmentation" in line:
                 while restart < 3:
                     for line in p.stderr:
             if "storing 0x" in line:
                 while restart < 3:
                     for line in p.stderr:
                         print line
         if count == 15:

First, there are a lot of embedded loops in there, that's usually a design warning that maybe you need to look at things again. In particular I'm suspicious of those two "for line in p.stderr" loops
inside a loop that is itself a "for line in p.stderr" loop.
That feels wrong. I haven't worked through the detail so it
might be valid but it smells bad to me.
Looking closer, you are reassigning p in the middle of a loop that depends on p. That's usually not a good idea...

Second, the last break does nothing except terminate the outer loop after the first time through. So you might as well miss out the
initial "while True" line...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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