On 29Aug2014 18:31, Crush <crushe...@gmail.com> wrote:
Ok so no links to dropbox? Man im confused...i thought links to dropbox were ok?

That was my fault. I said:

  If your screenshot is inherently graphical, publish it elsewhere
  (eg save it to Dropbox and get a "public link") and mention the
  link in your post, with some textual description.

But unless you're showing us some drawing, this is usually not desirable. In your case, the screenshot is (apparently) of some code, and it is far better to just include the code in your post, as text.

There are many advantages to text, including:

  It is MUCH MUCH smaller. (Applies to screenshot attachments, too.)

  It keeps the text with the message.

Further, because it is in the message, it keeps the text in the mail archives, where it may be searche fdor. Again, because it is in the message, it _stays_ in the archives. Your dropbox link might go away at any time in the future.

Being text, part of the message, it is presented in _my_ preferred font. This is just nicer, and for some people with sight issues, very important. I once had a student who needed to get up very close to the screen, _and_ use a magnifying glass. Forcing him to fetch a screenshot would not be nice.

It arrives in the message, not requiring a separate act to fetch it (versus a Dropbox link). For example, your message arrives and I have to open a web browser to go and get your screenshot. Suppose I'm offline. This is realistic: my laptop fetches my email in the background all the time, but I visit the "python" folder at ad hoc times. If I'm on a long train trip, that is an ideal time to catch up on mailing lists. I can read because the messages were fetched earlier. I can reply, because my laptop has a mail system which will queue messages and send when I'm online again. But I _can't_ go and get your URL, because I'm offline.

Please use inline plain text when you can. It helps everyone.

Wow i feel like such an idiot haha. I should have caught that capitolization 

No worries.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>

The impossible we understand right away - the obvious takes a little longer.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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