On 07/03/2015 19:04, Alan Gauld wrote:
On 07/03/15 15:39, elie khairallah wrote:
hello , I would like to know if theres a way to change a variable's name
after every iteration for example I want to make a function that stores a
number in x_1 if i=1 and in x_2 if i=2.
To be more precise:
def f(n):
        while i<n:
               x_i = i**2  ##this writing is wrong I would like here
to have
x_1 or x_2 ...
                                      (depending on i)
         return (x_1,x_2,x_3 .....)

Others have already suggested a list, which IMHO is the best option.
However if for some reason the zero based index of a list is an
issue for you then you could use your naming scheme in a

def f(n):
    values = {}
    root = 'x_'
    for n in range(1,n+1):
        values[root+str(n)] = n**2
    return values

You can then access the values with, for example:

print (values['x_2'])

But unless you are reading the variable names from
a file/network or a user then the numerical index of a
list will usually be easier to work with.

If zero based indexing is an issue I'd just write:-

values = [None]

to start with.

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Mark Lawrence

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