On 09Aug2015 19:10, Shannon Callahan <shannonc...@gmail.com> wrote:
Sorry for my lack of clear explanation. Yes, I am having problem to install
python into my mac laptop.

-I am trying to install python into my mac laptop

Macs normally ship with Python installed already, version 2.7.

If you need a specific version, for example Python 3, you can fetch installers for the current versions here:

 3.4.3:  https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-343/
 2.7.10: https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-2710/

-I am trying to learn how to execute the possible finished code

Generally you execute python code from the command line by handing it the filename or module name, eg:

 python filename.py
 python -m module.name

-I am trying to create a code so I can transfer it into SD card so I can
put it into raspberry pi.

You will need a text editor. There are any number of things.

Regarding the transfer, your raspberry should have an ethernet socket. You'll need to plug it into your network. Then you can scp the files to the raspberry without mucking around with SD cards.

-I am trying to have it able to hear like three specific commands such as
"hey, hello, sir".
-I am trying to execute the code that able to make a connect between
raspberry pi to breadboard to ringer component.

I cannot help you with these. What degree of programming knowledge or experience do you have?

To answer your questions;
- what you are trying to do; mimic sound detector from specific trigger
- what you have done so far; Struggle to download python and create code

Download links above. You will have to pick an editor. The Mac offers the textedit app and the usual command line based editors. Make sure you're using a text editor, which makes plain text files. Not a word processor.

- what result you hope to get; able to make code to execute detect trigger
words that cause a ring.
- the actual result you have got.; none.

Start by making sure you have a working Python. Write an utterly trivial Python program and run it. For example, make a file "foo.py" containing:

 print("Hello world!")

and run it:

 python foo.py

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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