On 24/07/2015 17:37, abhijeet...@yahoo.in wrote:
Dear Pythonist I wanted to develop any application for my college project using 
python .I have the basic of the language and wanted to develop any real time 
software or application .I am not getting any help or idea you know i am just 
getting a little unsure java is popular and my college classmates are using 
java .I don't know please help me out from this situation?

You will not want to be writing real time software in Python, unless it's the control system for the steering system on a super tanker. This is very much the domain of languages like C, C++ or Java. There may be other more modern languages but I don't follow too closely so you'll have to do further research. Here's a starter anyway http://stackoverflow.com/questions/697916/what-languages-are-used-for-real-time-systems-programming. And I've just remembered http://www.erlang.org/

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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