I know this is a python focused mail group, but you asked about Linux so I'll 
answer. :-)
I would strongly recommend that you skip Kali Linux for the next little while. 
Every tool available on Kali can be obtained on Ubuntu. Kali is not beginner 
friendly, and while the community is great, honestly it's not the most beginner 
friendly either. If you don't feel comfortable installing the tools you need 
for your course on Ubuntu, Kali is going to give you a splitting headache. 
Stick with Ubuntu, learn python, install the tools as you need them and you 
will learn so much more.

Trust me, it took me years to learn that lesson. :-|

-------- Original Message --------
On Aug 11, 2018, 12:48 PM, Carlos Monge wrote:

> I bought two books to help me learn Python. "Python Crash Course" and
> "Python for Informatics". I have done all of the basic lessons in "Python
> Crash Course", but it has two additional sections to help instill what I
> have learned To do those sections I need to install Pygame and make sure I
> have 'pip' as well as Matplotlib. I have followed the directions in the
> book but can't get anything to download so I can use it.
> For the "Python for Informatics" book I need to have files from the
> internet load where I have Python so I can manipulate them, but I can't
> seem to get that to work.
> Also, I would like to install Ubuntu on a second drive with Python,
> Idle, C language and its compiler so I can also learn Linux. On the Linux
> drive, I need to install Kali Linux for a class on Cyber Security.
> I know this is a lot to ask, but I don't need it all at once. I would
> appreciate help from someone with experience in downloading all of these
> things onto a windows computer with a second drive for Ubuntu and all of
> the other software.
> Any help is appreciated, and if I find someone with the needed
> expertise, I will happily subscribe on the Python-Tutor Info Page/
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