> Start with checking that pip is there (or installing it if not)
> Then do PyGae
> Then do Matplotlib

For this, please note that the pip "command" is not in the same
directory on Windows as the python it is associated with.  If you went
through the steps to have Python in your PATH, and that works, then add
another entry that is just the same but appends the \Scripts comoponent;
OR where your instructions tell you to "pip install foo" at a command
prompt do instead "python -m pip install foo"  I believe the latter is
now the recommended way anyway, because it ensures the pip matches the
python in case you have more than one copy installed on your system.

For your other questions, you could instead of making  dual-boot setup,
do some initial experiments with running a Linux virtual environment.

Here's one possibility which will give you a ton of Python stuff already
set up:


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