On Tue, 25 Jun 2019 at 17:08, Sinardy Xing <sinardyx...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My question is, how currently all of this great technology glue together
> and as a final product for the enduser. Because I cant imagine that we
> install Anaconda Jupyter Notebook at frontend for the enduser to use it,
> and give end user bunch of *.py

It really depends who the end user is and what you want to give to
them. To you it might seem obvious what work you are doing or what you
mean by a "final product" or an "end user" but to me those can mean
all sorts of things.

Jupyter notebooks are great for sharing the results with other people
who might want to tweak the code and try test variations of it. It's
popular for data visualisation because you can encapsulate both the
code and the output plots in a single file that you can send to
someone or share on the web etc.

On the other hand if your end user is not someone who will want to run
the code but just wants to see the output plots etc then you can turn
the notebook into a PDF file and give that to them.

I often use matplotlib to make plots that I save as PDFs and then
incorporate into a larger PDF document that I create using LaTeX.
That's a common pattern for matplotlib which aims to create
"publication quality figures" using vector graphics.

If you actually wanted to create an interactive piece of software for
other people to use on their computers then that's very different.

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