In your calls to the `*print*` function, you  are not calling the `*mean*`
and `*mean2*` functions that you declared to calculate averages. So Python
sees you trying to concatenate two function objects to strings and is not
happy. That's one thing.

Secondly, your code could be refactored to define one `*mean*` function as
your functions do virtually the same thing. Then, you could just call it as

Thirdly, you could use the `*with*` keyword. See "7.2. Reading and Writing
Files" at

Kind regards,
Sithembewena Dube

*Sent with Shift

On Mon, Aug 12, 2019 at 7:24 PM Marissa Russo <>

> Hello,
> I am trying to figure out what is going on and why my output is saying
> “<function mean at …….>” instead of giving me a number. Please let me know
> if you see the error in my code!!
> import math
> def get_numbers():
>     print("This program will compute the mean and standard deviation")
>     file1 = input("Please enter the first filename: ")
>     file2 = input("Please enter the second filename: ")
>     x = open(file1, "r")
>     y = open(file2, "r")
>     nums = x.readlines()
>     nums2 = y.readlines()
>     return nums, nums2
> def mean(nums):
>     for num in nums:
>         _sum += num
>     return _sum / len(nums)
> def mean2(nums2):
>     for num in nums2:
>         _sum += nums2
>     return _sum / len(nums2)
> def main():
>     data = get_numbers()
>     print("The mean of the first file is: ", mean)
>     print("The mean of the second file is: ", mean2)
> main()
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