On Wed, 2005-01-12 at 21:55, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 13, 2005 at 12:11:12AM +0000, Albert Cahalan wrote:
> > kid says: this is not good; I like two greys; a missing grey; I hate it; I 
> > do not like Tux Paint; I want two greys; I need two greys; I doesn't like 
> > that; I don't like this
> > 
> Hah... funniest... CVS commit... ever.
> I agree that two greys is good, too.
> (OOC, why'd you change all the other colors, not mentioned in the log?
> Perhaps we should discuss this more before you and Karl start a
> commit-ware ;^) )

I figure it's best to just reverse-apply the patch.
Many of the others were questionable, so yeah, it
ought to be discussed.

Possibly good changes:

1. lavendar (not "violet", which you can't get) instead of magenta
   (though losing magenta is painful)

2. the recent light green

3. the recent darker brown

4. a purple that is perhaps halfway between current and
   the bluer one -- but I'd like to pass around a chart
   of color patches before touching it

5. a darker red, more like the stop signs

Not good:

1. washed out yellow

2. non-pumpkin orange

3. baby blue in place of sky blue

4. washed out dark blue

5. missing grey

It might be wise to investigate normal color printer gamuts.
For a typical printer, the RGB secondaries (cyan,magenta,yellow)
should be no problem. The RGB primaries (red,green,blue) may
cause trouble, especially red. I wouldn't want red to be any
more grey, but making it darker might be OK. See the stop signs.

I could also go for a --manycolors option that gives a double
row of colors. This would allow for 4 normal greens plus olive,
more sky colors (normal, cheery, Arizona, gloomy), ocean color,
medium semi-gray blue, both magenta and lavender, a few more greys,
and a few more flesh tones.

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