On Thu, 2005-01-13 at 04:12, Karl Ove Hufthammer wrote:
> On Thu, Januar 13, 2005 4:10 am, Albert Cahalan sa:

> > 5. a darker red, more like the stop signs
> I didn't change the red. But we could add an extra, dark red (if we remove
> the 'Colours' label).

Take a look at the bridge drawing in the gallery.
It would look better with a darker red.

Also consider blood.

> > 3. baby blue in place of sky blue
> I really think this blue is much more usuable than the old one, especially
> for drawing cartoon skys.

Try the lightening bolt stamp in a baby-blue sky.
Now, doesn't that look horribly wrong?

How did you come up with that anyway? The old one is the
result of careful measurement of many real sky pictures.

> > 4. washed out dark blue
> I've made it darker. Better? The old one was *too* dark to be usuable.

For what?

> One more thing: The 'beige' is not really beige; it's not even close.
> Suggestions on what we could call it?

Beige is the least offensive name.

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