On 4 July 2016 at 11:06, Cory Benfield <c...@lukasa.co.uk> wrote:

> > On 2 Jul 2016, at 23:42, Adi Roiban <a...@roiban.ro> wrote:
> >
> > With this change, Buildbot should have a closer behavior to Travis-CI.
> That is, it will automatically start the builders and will report the build
> results in GitHub PR.
> I spotted this in action today before I’d read this list post, so I just
> want to say: thanks so much for this Adi! This is one of those little
> changes that makes life a great deal nicer for me as a reviewer *and*
> contributor: not needing to do the dance with forcing the buildbots to run
> is really excellent.
With this change you no longer have to create duplicate PR for "imported"
branches . Just create the branch and Travis and Buildbot will
automatically do their job and you can merge the "imported" branch without
a PR.

"Imported" branch is a branch hosted in the Twisted main repo but which
contains changes merged from a forked repo.

Adi Roiban
Twisted-Python mailing list

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