> On 11 Jul 2016, at 01:45, Glyph Lefkowitz <gl...@twistedmatrix.com> wrote:
>> On Jul 9, 2016, at 10:30 AM, Paweł Miech <pawel...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:pawel...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> My question is: should user deal with this kind of stuff themselves? If some 
>> ciphers are blacklisted in HTTP2 shouldn't this be handled somewhere in 
>> Twisted?
> As others have already said, this should work out of the box, and I'm not 
> sure why it isn't for you, especially that you've gone to the extra trouble 
> of building a Docker image and retrieving recent enough versions of every 
> relevant layer of the stack.
> However, to answer this question generally: this should absolutely be handled 
> by Twisted.  In fact, even if we're doing the right thing already except in 
> your one configuration, we should go a step beyond and provide tooling and 
> logging to clearly explain to system operators why they won't get HTTP/2 if 
> their dependencies are out of date.

This turns out to be trickier than you’d expect.

PyOpenSSL does not expose any of the APIs for us to programmatically detect 
what ciphers are available to the OpenSSL we have installed. Cryptography 
exposes only one: SSL_get_ciphers. This is not really the one we want, because 
it lists all *possible* ciphers, rather than the ones that are actually enabled 
for a given connection. This makes it very difficult for us to conclude that 
we’d want to use HTTP/2 but we cannot because of a lack of cipher support.

Now, Twisted *could* add code to introspect the HTTP/2 TLS configuration and 
optionally terminate the connection in the same manner that Chrome does. 
Currently I’ve not done that because it’s not been hugely needed, but we could 
do that. The reality is, though, that Twisted can’t unconditionally not use 
those ciphers because it needs to support HTTP/1.1 as well as HTTP/2, and 
HTTP/1.1 does not have those same restrictions.

What would be looking for here? Out of the box, Twisted should do the very best 
it can, but right now it seems like the only thing we could do is detect when 
HTTP/2 is literally impossible to support (e.g. when there is no TLS 1.2 
support). With that said, those versions *completely* overlap with the versions 
where OpenSSL doesn’t support ALPN.

Regardless, Twisted’s default cipher ordering is appropriate for HTTP/2 (it 
prefers ECDHE AES GCM, which is what is required). So I’m not sure what more we 
could do.


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