Are you using a caching layer? Initialization of the cache will of
course be slow since every user will need to be looked up with a
users/show call, but the cache should eventually pay off after the
most active users have been entered.


On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 12:46 PM, Nick Arnett <> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 7:59 AM, Doug Williams <> wrote:
>> The second, and less API intensive method to retrieve a list of all screen
>> names is to page and parse through a user's friends with paginated calls to
>> the statuses/friends method
> I've been trying this out for the last day or so... unfortunately, it turns
> out to be quite slow.  The problem is that you have to slog through many,
> many statuses (100 at a time, of course) to get the screen_names.  It looks
> to me as though the most efficient approach will be to use the statuses to
> get the most active users' names, abandon it when getting news statuses
> isn't yielding many new names, then use the show call to get the rest if you
> really want them.
> Nick

Doug Williams

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