> A question that I haven't been able to figure out by reading the
> documentation...
> I'm currently using the JSON call:
> http://[username]:[passwo...@twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/[username].json
> ...to retrieve tweets from a password-protected Twitter account. How
> can I modify this call (or use some other call entirely) so that I
> only retrieve tweets with an ID greater than a certain number? (I've
> tried tacking on ?since_id=[id] to the URL, but that doesn't seem to
> work.)

since_id is in fact exactly what you would use. Can you give us an example
of your code and output?

------------------------------------ personal: http://www.cameronkaiser.com/ --
  Cameron Kaiser * Floodgap Systems * www.floodgap.com * ckai...@floodgap.com
-- Famous, adj.: Conspicuously miserable.  -- Ambrose Bierce ------------------

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