
If it can be in any help, I have a kind of private url shortening
service that I could adapt to your needs. www.fwd.li.

I can't really design the page because I am blind (the reason why there
is no logo). However it might come handy to have an url shortening api
service designed individually for your apps.

I currently support plain text and xml output.

P.s.: if someone is interested in making a logo, you're welcome. If
someone else would like to carry on the dev, welcome as well. :)

TjL wrote:
> On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 10:48 PM, Cameron Kaiser <spec...@floodgap.com> wrote:
>>> The best you can do is use the bit.ly API to un-shorten the link and
>>> grab your URL key from there.
>>> Have a look at the /expand method in their API:
>>> http://code.google.com/p/bitly-api/wiki/ApiDocumentation
>> Or, implement your own URL shortening scheme (either internally, or using
>> a specific service that meets your needs), with the assumption that the
>> shortening will occur and at least this way you can control the situation
>> under how the shortening is handled.
> I believe that Twitter will shorten links over 30 characters, but this
> does not *always* seem to be the case.
> Your best bet (IMO) is to determine which service you want to use and
> shorten the links yourself. I started putting together a list of them
> not too long ago and came up with these:
> bit.ly
> xrl.us
> tr.im
> snipr.com
> tinyarro.ws
> tinyurl.com
> icanhaz.com
> budurl.com
> There are, no doubt, others.

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