Since it is his library I am using which needs a fix. I am asking him
two things;

1. Is this a known error in 0.1
2. When will 0,3 turn into a working version.

So, what was your input again?

On Aug 13, 9:23 pm, Andrew Badera <> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 4:21 PM, catcalls<> wrote:
> > Hey dude,
> > I'm using version 0.1 of your DLL because 0.3 did not compile in
> > VS2005. So, I try posting an update to twitter using spaces replaced
> > with + signs as the standard RFC compliant way of making a POST and
> > I've got everyting working because it posts updates without spaces you
> > see - only I get a 401 Unauthorised when I use spaces. I've tried a
> > hell of a lot of different methods to make a post with spaces - all
> > fail. So, what gives with your DLL? When are you going to release
> > something what works?
> Wow, when did this turn into BOJAN RAJKOVIC's personal line?
> There are plenty of .NET libraries out there. Check out LinqToTwitter.
> By the way, when it's free, you're definitely getting what you pay for.
> ∞ Andy Badera
> ∞ This email is: [ ] bloggable [x] ask first [ ] private
> ∞ Google me:

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