The favourite model is very similar to how Flickr works, though  
Twitter lacks the ability to see who marked your tweet as a favourite.  
It feels like one of those features that got built and then put to one  
side while scaling took over as the main issue. I'd love to see more  
done with favouriting, I think it is less noisy than retweeting.

That favourites are public is not obvious unless you look, but the  
same can be said of Flickr, all favourites are public there too.

On 17 Aug 2009, at 21:16, Scott Haneda wrote:

> On Aug 17, 2009, at 11:40 AM, "Brian Smith" <>  
> wrote:
>> Paul Kinlan wrote:
>>> Favorites are open to be read, it is just that not many
>>> people use it and I can't actually find who favorited my
>>> tweets - (probably no one in my case ;) - if I had that
>>> information I could do a lot of things (with out
>>> resorting to the RT stream).
>> I tried it and you are right, I can read anybody's favorites. But,  
>> is that intentional? I had always thought my favorites were private  
>> and I think that other users have that same expectation of privacy.
>> - Brian
> Am I the only one who thinks favorites is fundamentally wrong? With  
> so much noise, is there any value in marking one tweet as the signal?

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