Hi all,

If been using the search API for some months for various projects and
now Ive been asked to code an app that is supposed to search for a
specific word within the city of São Paulo and display the results on
google maps using the tweet location.

After reading the Search API docs  (http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-
Search-API-Method%3A-search), I understood (perhaps wrongly) that Im
supposed to search like this, for example:


What Im trying here: Im searching for the word "festa" providing the
location of the center of São Paulo (according to wikipedia) and an
arbitrary radius. As I understood, this is supoposed to return
geotagged tweets with the word "festa" from within the provided geo
range. Right?

However, Ive tried searching like this using Zend_Twitter PHP class
and pasting this URL directly to the browser. In both cases, I get
this error:

error: "Couldn't find Status with ID=6025096957"

Whats it means? What am I doing wrong here? I probably missing
something, but I just cant figure it out.

Actually, even when I try the URL provided as example (http://
on the docs, I get this same message .

So, how am I supposed to be doing this? Please help.

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