On 01/30/2010 02:43 PM, Isaiah Carew wrote:
> So, in simple language:  Twitter's policy is that *every user* of
> *every open source client* register as a *new twitter application*?
> Or, have I misinterpreted something?  And if so, could you explain
> further what mean?

If that were the case, then it would be the requirement for all desktop
apps.  Open source just makes it easier to grab the key; if you stick
your keys in your Air or .NET app, they can still be grabbed.

Basically, if you're doing a desktop app (of any kind) with OAuth, there
is a risk that your consumer key will be misappropriated.  The OAuth
spec explicitly acknowledges this, stating that the consumer key/secret
is cannot necessarily be trusted to securely identify the consumer.

- Michael

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