thanks - I need to put more thought into this - I am inclined to feel that
at the moment that the search api will probably deliver better resuls - as
the cost of filtering thousands and thousands of records for even something
as basic as a movie called "New York" or "Independence Day" split into
independent words will probably be cost intensive and might end up being
looking for a needle in the haystack.

Having said that I think Twitter has surely come up with this API with good
thought - it's just needs further analysis from my end with regards to
whether the cost of filtering outweigh the benefits from getting real time
streaming resuls.


On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 9:10 PM, Mark McBride <> wrote:

> This is correct.  The general advice is to choose the most specific keyword
> to track (probably "locker" and "blind" in this case), then run an
> additional layer of filtering on your side.  There are higher access levels
> available that grant you more than 200 keywords to track.
>   ---Mark
> On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 12:36 PM, Rahul Dighe <>wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Correct me if I am wrong but doesn't the streaming API has limitation that
>> allow me to only track 200 keywords.. and also with the added caveat that -
>> *Track keywords are case-insensitive logical ORs. Terms are
>> exact-matched, and also exact-matched ignoring punctuation. Phrases,
>> keywords with spaces, are not supported. Keywords containing punctuation
>> will only exact match tokens. Some UTF-8 keywords will not match correctly-
>> this is a known temporary defect.*
>> If this is the case how will the api track keywords such as "The Hurt
>> Locker" or "The Blind Side"?
>> Thanks
>> Rahul Dighe
>> On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 11:42 PM, Mark McBride <>wrote:
>>> This sounds like a perfect use case for the streaming API.  The rate
>>> limits there are different, but in general more permissive. And because
>>> you're doing primarily OR queries, the current track functionality seems
>>> sufficient.
>>>   ---Mark
>>> On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 3:21 PM, Rahul <> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I am building an application that monitors tweets about movies(for now
>>>> with... other interesting things planned). I have my id whitelisted
>>>> but I want to avoid overusing it.
>>>> The challenge that I face is that ideally I want to make full use of
>>>> the opportunity to retrieve 100 tweets per call and for that I need
>>>> information on the frequency with which users are tweeting about a
>>>> movie and then set my call frequency (to call twitter search api)
>>>> accordingly so that I maximize the number of tweets returned per call
>>>> or atleast.
>>>> Since I presume there is no way to know what frequency is someone
>>>> tweeting about a movie - I need help is what is the best way to
>>>> optimize for such a situation.
>>>> The challenge is complicated by the fact that users tweet about
>>>> different movies at different rates and the rates generally decrease
>>>> overtime.
>>>> I have tried combining searches - but the challenge is that lets say I
>>>> search for
>>>> (Movie A OR Movie B)
>>>> (Movie C OR Movie D)
>>>> it could be the case that people tweet about Movie A & B a lot and
>>>> litle to none about C or D or there is a combination in which they
>>>> continue to tweet about A but not about B - So I still can end up in a
>>>> situation where I am not optimizing my calls. Also situations such as
>>>> Oscars can dramatically change what people talk about even about
>>>> movies out months ago.
>>>> I have thought of writing something such as a variable frequency
>>>> caller that can check the frequency of tweets for the last 3 calls in
>>>> order to appreciate the frequency of tweets for a given search and
>>>> then continuously vary the time between calls so that I can get as
>>>> close to 100 tweets as possible in a call.
>>>> Any ideas suggestions that can suggest ways to alleviate the above
>>>> will be highly appreciated.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Rahul.

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