Thanks Raffi, I won't go near those retweet functions.
As for the popularity stuff, will the algorithm you use be open?  It
wouldn't be good for either side if someone else developed a popularity
index which showed different results from yours.

On 2 April 2010 18:00, Raffi Krikorian <> wrote:

> Taylor, I have two questions; I thought you answered them in the original
>> thread, but could not find them.
>> 1.  How are "popular" tweets defined? Tweets from accounts with lots of
>> followers, or tweets that have been retweeted the most, or what?
> from taylor's e-mail:
>  With this new project, we want to make real-time search even more valuable
>> by surfacing the best tweets about a particular topic, by considering
>> recency, but also the interactions on a tweet. This means analyzing the
>> author's profile, as well as the number times the tweet has been retweeted,
>> favorited, replied, and more. It's an evolving algorithm that we'll be
>> iterating on & tuning until practically the end of time.
> hope that helps.
>> 2. And that leads to : you mention having a metadata point for number of
>> times the tweet has been retweeted. Is that as in hitting the "Retweet"
>> button only, or will copying and pasting, editing and adding value also
>> count? If I retweet you, and 3 of my followers retweet that, with the
>> retweet button I get no credit and don't even know it has happened unless I
>> go into the website.  Having a retweets field which only counts the RT
>> button will further entrench this feature which is very damaging to the
>> sense of community and way a lot of people use twitter (certainly over
>> here).
> i'm pretty sure its native RTs only, right now.
> --
> Raffi Krikorian
> Twitter Platform Team

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