Sorry , perhaps I have not explained well my problem.
I have done OAuth authentication, I can use Twitter API.
But now I must add a link to my page that if the user click on this
link I redirect to twitter's user profile.
My problem is that if the user is not logged in twitter he has to do
every time the login.
I would ask if there is a way using the Twitter OAuth API to do a
automatic login to Twitter so when user click on the link on my page
he is automatically redirect on his twitter user's profile.

On 3 Giu, 11:10, Lil Peck <> wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 3:56 AM, byqsri <> wrote:
> > Can someone give me any suggestion about it?
> > Many thanks
> > On 1 Giu, 11:08, byqsri <> wrote:
> >> Hi
> >> I'm newbie with Twitter API.
> >> I use OAuth to do authentication.
> >> Now I have this feature to do : From my web application allow to the
> >> user to automatically enter on his profile on twitter.
> >> Is it possible to do this using only the API and using OAuth
> >> (therefore the account crediantials aren't avaible)?
> >> Many Thanks
> Actually, as I understand it, authentication for that purpose would be
> necessary only if the user was keeping their account private or
> something.
> I'm very mindful of this because this is something I've been obsessed
> with over the past two days and nights. I've been saving my followers
> into a database and remotely saving their avatars for the purpose of
> not hitting rate limits.
> I've tried lots of stuff and had previously used simplexml heavily,
> until within the past couple of hours when I found out how much easier
> and faster json is!
> Here is an example (use with PHP):
> //$f1 is the user id number already in my database, you can do the
> same with user name instead
>   $api_call = ''.$f1.'.json';
>   $results = json_decode(file_get_contents($api_call));
> $profile_image_url= str_replace('_normal', '_mini',
> $results->profile_image_url);
> $screen_name=($results->screen_name);
> $description= ($results->description);
> $location=($results->location);
> $name= ($results->name);
> $followers_count=($results->followers_count);
> $friends_count= ($results->friends_count);
> --Lil

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