As far as an application is concerned, the logged in/logged out state of the
Twitter user is immaterial. The REST API is stateless and does not pertain
to a session state. Your application should have no concern about the logged
in status of a user. Landing on a Twitter profile URL does not require a
login, regardless of the protected attribute of the Twitter user. If the
user is logged out and lands on a protected user's page, they will still see
an abbreviated version of the page, noting that the user has protected their
tweets. If the user is unprotected, they get a standard logged-out version
of the profile page.

Taylor Singletary
Developer Advocate, Twitter

On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 2:54 AM, byqsri <> wrote:

> Yes , the page where is redirect after login
> On 3 Giu, 11:47, Lil Peck <> wrote:
> > On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 4:43 AM, byqsri <> wrote:
> > > Sorry , perhaps I have not explained well my problem.
> > > I have done OAuth authentication, I can use Twitter API.
> > > But now I must add a link to my page that if the user click on this
> > > link I redirect to twitter's user profile.
> > > My problem is that if the user is not logged in twitter he has to do
> > > every time the login.
> > > I would ask if there is a way using the Twitter OAuth API to do a
> > > automatic login to Twitter so when user click on the link on my page
> > > he is automatically redirect on his twitter user's profile.
> >
> > Do you mean so that he is directed to the "private" pages of his
> > profile rather than he public pages?

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