> What's the algorithm for the display url? Ideally it will be a
> predictable length, to aid predictability in tweet display code.

i'm not sure why the display_url would be of predictable length?  the
display_url is -exactly- the URL that the user has sent into the system.
 so, that may be of varying length.

> If the motive is really to protect us from malicious URLs, what about
> giving a service we can call to route links through your protective
> redirect servers? Then we can give users the option to be protected by
> your malicious detection algorithms if they want.

If you want to click track every URL for whatever reason, ask client
> developers to hit a ping URL if the user clicks? I'm not sure
> otherwise how you will tell in a software client if it's the user
> requesting the t.co URL or the software.

i guess i'm confused on this as well?  isn't that what t.co does?

> On Jun 9, 6:57 am, Raffi Krikorian <ra...@twitter.com> wrote:
> > hi all.
> >
> > twitter has been wrapping links in e-mailed DMs for a couple months
> > now<http://bit.ly/twttldmemail>.
> > with that feature, we're trying to protect users against phishing and
> other
> > malicious attacks. the way that we're doing this is that any URL that
> comes
> > through in a DM gets currently wrapped with a twt.tl URL -- if the URL
> turns
> > out to be malicious, Twitter can simply shut it down, and whoever follows
> > that link will be presented with a page that warns them of potentially
> > malicious content. in a few weeks, we're going to start slowly enabling
> this
> > throughout the API for all statuses as well, but instead of twt.tl, we
> will
> > be using t.co.
> >
> > practically, any tweet that is sent through statuses/update that has a
> link
> > on it will have the link automatically converted to a t.co link on its
> way
> > through the Twitter platform. if you fetch any tweet created after this
> > change goes live, then its text field will have all its links
> automatically
> > wrapped with t.co links. when a user clicks on that link, Twitter will
> > redirect them to the original URL after first confirming with our
> database
> > that that URL is not malicious.  on top of the end-user benefit, we hope
> to
> > eventually provide all developers with aggregate usage data around your
> > applications such as the number of clicks people make on URLs you display
> > (it will, of course, be in aggregate and not identifiable manner).
> > additionally, we want to be able to build services and APIs that can make
> > algorithmic recommendations to users based on the content they are
> > consuming. gathering the data from t.co will help make these possible.
> >
> > our current plan is that no user will see a t.co URL on twitter.com but
> we
> > still have some details to work through. the links will still be
> displayed
> > as they were sent in, but the target of the link will be the t.co link
> > instead. and, we want to provide the same ability to display original
> links
> > to developers. we're going to use the entities attribute to make this
> > possible.
> >
> > let's say i send out the following tweet: "you have to check outhttp://
> dev.twitter.com!"
> >
> > a returned (and truncated) status object may look like:
> >
> > {
> >   "text" : "you have to check outhttp://t.co/s9gfk2d4!";,
> >   ...
> >   "user" : {
> >     "screen_name" : "raffi",
> >     ...
> >   },
> >   ...
> >   "entities" : {
> >     "urls" : [
> >       {
> >         "url" : "http://t.co/s9gfk2d4";,
> >         "display_url" : "http://dev.twitter.com";,
> >         "indices" : [23, 43]
> >       }
> >     ],
> >     ...
> >   },
> >   ...
> >
> > }
> >
> > two things to note: the text of the returned status object doesn't have
> the
> > original URL and instead it has a t.co URL, and the entities block now
> has a
> > display_url attribute associated with it. what we're hoping is that with
> > this data, it should be relatively easy to create a UI where you replace
> thehttp://t.co/s9gfk2d4in the text with the equivalent of
> >
> > <a href="http://t.co/s9gfk2d4";>http://dev.twitter.com</a>
> >
> > this means the user would not see the t.co link, but we all can still
> > provide the protection and gather data from the wrapped link. for the
> > applications that don't choose to update, the t.co link will be shown
> (and
> > the goal to protect users will be met). i just want to emphasize -- we
> > really do hope that you all render the original URL, but please send the
> > user through the t.co link.   if you do choose to prefetch all the URLs
> on a
> > timeline, then, when a user actually clicks on one of the links, please
> > still send him or her through t.co. We will be updating the TOS to
> require
> > you to check t.co and register the click.
> >
> > related to this: the way the Twitter API counts characters is going to
> > change ever so slightly. our 140 characters is now going to be defined as
> > 140 characters after link wrapping. t.co links are of a predictable
> length
> > -- they will always be 20 characters. after we make this live, it will be
> > feasible to send in the text for a status that is greater than 140
> > characters. the rule is after the link wrapping, the text transforms to
> 140
> > characters or fewer. we'll be using the same logic that is in
> > twitter-text-rb to figure out what is a URL.
> >
> > look for an update to dev.twitter.com where we'll have a best practices
> > document on how to use these t.co links.
> >
> > what's the timeline?  "soon" we'll enable this on @twitterapi, @rsarver,
> > @raffi, and a few other test accounts so you all have live data to play
> > with.  on the timescale of weeks (to potentially a month or two), we'll
> roll
> > this out to everybody.
> >
> > of course, if there are any questions, just feel free to direct them to
> > @twitterapi!
> >
> > --
> > Raffi Krikorian
> > Twitter Platform Teamhttp://twitter.com/raffi

Raffi Krikorian
Twitter Platform Team

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