I, like others, have problems with this new "service".  My main
concern is this.  In the past, we had an expectation that what we post
to twitter will be shown verbatim.  Some people will want to post a
url and know that it will be shown that way across all sites/apps.
Like it or not, urls have meaning.

A person will no longer be able to post something like "This is/was
the best site ever: http://twitter.com"; and have the same intent/

This could lead to other things like twitter replacing bad words in
the interest of "protecting users" or s/coke/pepsi/ for the right

I know this is probably paranoid talk.  I just hope this is not a
shark jump moment for Twitter.


On Jun 8, 11:18 pm, John Kalucki <j...@twitter.com> wrote:
> Apps that don't update will continue to work, they will just display
> something different than they do now.

This is completely false with one of my apps.  It will completely
break it and it will show nothing.  The app (peephole for iphone)
provides an alternate view of Twitter by mostly showing the photos
people are posting.

As someone else asked, will the search api still return results for
searches like "twitpic"?

Most of the twitter photo services have a documented way to get
thumbnail or full size images from the photo url.
ex. with this url http://twitpic.com/1e10q you know that:
 - http://twitpic.com/show/thumb/1e10q will give you the thumbnail

Most twitter apps don't use the posted photo url.  Does inferring a
link to show a photo to a user violate the TOS?

A time scale of weeks is a very short time frame for apps that go
through Apple's app store.  It seems like you would have a period of
at least a few months where all tweets have the url in the entities
before you start replacing the urls in the text.

Thanks for considering my comments and questions.

Scott Mills

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