Not sure I totally like this idea. Seems almost like double authentication
to me.
The user has to still sign in via the web to replicate the app and then we
have to fetch an access token
again by asking for their credentials?? So its like doing a 3-legged dance +
the xAuth.

I really question the security benefits of not disclosing consumer
key/secrets in the context
of desktop/phone based applications. First the xAuth step should be forced
to use https which
prevents man in the middle attacks. Further all other communication can use
https as well.
I think the only real security gain from oAuth secrets is for 3-legged
authentication. It acts as a cheap
verification method that you know this website actually represents this
particular application. With desktop/phone
applications this is already known since you have downloaded it. When I
download client X I know already I am
only giving out my credentials to this application, not some attacker
spoofing the site.

I do appreciate Twitter taking the time to help address these oAuth issues,
but before we over complicate the
issue lets make sure there are actual gains to be had.


On Sat, Jun 12, 2010 at 9:12 AM, Cameron Kaiser <>wrote:

> > @taylor
> > So key exchange is done based on consumer key only.(No need to verify the
> > signature?.Makes sense as this is distributed )So any abuse by the end
> user
> > will only lead to the ban of child app ? (assuming the final auth
> requests
> > are signed by the generated secrets (chid app secret and user secret
> only) )
> IDSOWFT, but that is the way I understand it.
> --
> ------------------------------------ personal:
> --
>  Cameron Kaiser * Floodgap Systems * *
> -- Roger Waters, public health officer: "Careful with that pox, Eugene!"
> ------

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