Can somebody help?

Maybe I'm doing something wrong.
For example, if account A has Account B as follower and vice-versa,
and if account A retweets tweet XPTO made by account B, shouldn't the
tweet XPTO appear with retweet_status property if we request the

Please help,


On Jul 3, 4:45 pm, luisg <> wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I'm having a problem lately with the retweets. In the API
> documentation and about the home_timeline says:
> 'Returns the 20 most recent statuses, including retweets, posted by
> the authenticating user and that user's friends. This is the
> equivalent of /timeline/home on the Web.'
> The problem is, when I request the home_timeline, none of my tweets
> have the 'retweeted_status' that should be present if it is a retweet.
> But if I request 'retweeted_by_me' I get all the information,
> including the 'retweeted_status'.
> Can someone tell me what's wrong? Something changed?
> Thanks,
> Luis

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