
and thanks for your reply.
When I said ridiculous, I don't meant to offend you cause I REALLY
appreciate your work. I was just discussing my point of view. Sorry
for that.

About the retweets: Imagine I get my home_timeline. I will get the
'normal' tweets (posted by me via web, for example), the retweets I
did and the tweets (and retweets) done by the ones I'm following. The
thing is, how can I identify if a element from the home_timeline is a
'normal' tweet or a retweet done by me?

For example, in the retweets done by the people you are following, you
have the retweeted_status and with that I know that is a retweet
instead of a 'normal' tweet by him/her. But with my own, I dont know.

The goal is I want to add the Undo(retweet) in my application. To do
the undo I need to know which of those are retweets.

You understand my problem? Maybe I'm missing something. If so, I'm
being ridiculous :)

Thanks a lot,


On Jul 6, 7:01 am, Raffi Krikorian <ra...@twitter.com> wrote:
> i don't think "ridiculous" is the right term :P  we're constantly evolving
> the API to match up with what our developers are trying to do!
> so - that being said - what are you looking for?  are you trying to figure
> out which tweets on the home timeline has the authenticating user retweeted?
> On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 2:58 PM, luisg <luisfmgoncal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > So, instead of 1, now I have to do 2 call (one for the home_timeline
> > and another for the retweets_of_me).
> > I started to understand the 'Tiwtter is over capacity' error!
> > ...ridiculous...
> > On Jul 5, 6:17 pm, Thomas Woolway <priv...@tswoolway.co.uk> wrote:
> > > I don't think that you're doing anything wrong - it's just a quirk of the
> > > API - you don't get any info in your home timeline on stuff you
> > retweeted.
> > > I think this is because of the condition that you should never see a
> > retweet
> > > if you would have seen it already in your timeline. This stops you from
> > > seeing the latest popular tweet retweeted 100 times from each of your
> > > followers if you follow the person who originally tweeted it. However, I
> > > guess it also stops you seeing that you have retweeted a tweet, as
> > > theoretically you've already seen it.
> > > I think I've made that more complicated than it actually is...
> > > The only thing that you can do is to get the Home Timeline and then merge
> > > retweets_of_me in over the top.
> > > Tom
> > > On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 4:03 PM, luisg <luisfmgoncal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > Can somebody help?
> > > > Maybe I'm doing something wrong.
> > > > For example, if account A has Account B as follower and vice-versa,
> > > > and if account A retweets tweet XPTO made by account B, shouldn't the
> > > > tweet XPTO appear with retweet_status property if we request the
> > > > home_timeline?
> > > > Please help,
> > > > Luis
> > > > On Jul 3, 4:45 pm, luisg <luisfmgoncal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > > Hello everybody,
> > > > > I'm having a problem lately with the retweets. In the API
> > > > > documentation and about the home_timeline says:
> > > > > 'Returns the 20 most recent statuses, including retweets, posted by
> > > > > the authenticating user and that user's friends. This is the
> > > > > equivalent of /timeline/home on the Web.'
> > > > > The problem is, when I request the home_timeline, none of my tweets
> > > > > have the 'retweeted_status' that should be present if it is a
> > retweet.
> > > > > But if I request 'retweeted_by_me' I get all the information,
> > > > > including the 'retweeted_status'.
> > > > > Can someone tell me what's wrong? Something changed?
> > > > > Thanks,
> > > > > Luis
> --
> Raffi Krikorian
> Twitter Platform Teamhttp://twitter.com/raffi

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