Hello Wilfried,

Thanks for your class, but I'm looking for another option.
Interactive services won't be allowed anymore in Vista.

Isn't there anyway to get the threadid of the service application ?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Wilfried Mestdagh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "ICS support mailing" <twsocket@elists.org>
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 8:50 PM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] Postmessage in Service application

> Hello Paul,
>> I have made an object of the complete server, so I can compile it as a
>> program or as a service application.
> Simple, add a hiden window to the object and post messages to that
> windwos hadnle instead of the form.
> alternative, you find on my site a simple class to include. then you
> make your life simple and have a normal GUI or NT service without any
> chnage (same exe).
> Angus has just made improvements to the class. I did not have the time
> to update on the www, but you can taste it as it is :)

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