> Do you find this text in OverbyteIcsWSocket.pas?

> { FP:26/09/06 Are FD_READ and FD_WRITE really necessary ? Probably not ! }
> { Lodewijk Ellen reported a problem with W2K3SP1 triggering an AV in     }
> { accept. Keeping only FD_ACCEPT and FD_CLOSE solved the problem.        }
> { Anyway, a listening socket doesn't send nor receive any data so those  }
> { notification are useless.                                              }

> Sounds like the same problem.

Yes, I have found it on the code, but it seems that it doesn´t really fixed 
the problem

I couldn´t debug the software to get the error because I have WinXP and it 
doesn´t raises this exception, but I´m sure that it is being raised when the 
server accepts a connection from a client on Win2003, but as I said, it 
doesn´t occurs frequently, but when occurs it crashes the software, look 
this windows logs:

Error 3/6/2007 6:38:15 PM Servidor.exe None 0 N/A TECSRV10
Error 3/6/2007 6:38:07 PM Servidor.exe None 0 N/A TECSRV10
Error 3/6/2007 6:38:07 PM Servidor.exe None 0 N/A TECSRV10
Error 3/6/2007 6:38:07 PM Servidor.exe None 0 N/A TECSRV10
Error 3/6/2007 6:37:59 PM Servidor.exe None 0 N/A TECSRV10
Error 3/6/2007 6:37:59 PM Servidor.exe None 0 N/A TECSRV10
Error 3/6/2007 6:37:59 PM Servidor.exe None 0 N/A TECSRV10
Error 3/6/2007 6:37:51 PM Servidor.exe None 0 N/A TECSRV10
Error 3/6/2007 6:37:51 PM Servidor.exe None 0 N/A TECSRV10
Error 3/6/2007 6:37:51 PM Servidor.exe None 0 N/A TECSRV10
Error 3/6/2007 6:37:43 PM Servidor.exe None 0 N/A TECSRV10
Error 3/6/2007 6:37:43 PM Servidor.exe None 0 N/A TECSRV10
Error 3/6/2007 6:37:43 PM Servidor.exe None 0 N/A TECSRV10
Error 3/6/2007 6:37:35 PM Servidor.exe None 0 N/A TECSRV10
Error 3/6/2007 6:37:35 PM Servidor.exe None 0 N/A TECSRV10
Error 3/6/2007 6:37:35 PM Servidor.exe None 0 N/A TECSRV10
Error 3/6/2007 6:37:27 PM Servidor.exe None 0 N/A TECSRV10
Error 3/6/2007 6:37:27 PM Servidor.exe None 0 N/A TECSRV10
Error 3/6/2007 6:37:27 PM Servidor.exe None 0 N/A TECSRV10

This are the exceptions that are being raised on the server when the clients 
connects to it, please, note that the interval between exceptions is 8 
seconds. In this case I have 3 clients trying to connect to the server at an 
interval of 8 seconds (This is a behavour of my client software, it tries to 
reconnect to the server if it loses the connection at an interval os 8 

Any ideas?


Do you find this text in OverbyteIcsWSocket.pas?

{ FP:26/09/06 Are FD_READ and FD_WRITE really necessary ? Probably not ! }
{ Lodewijk Ellen reported a problem with W2K3SP1 triggering an AV in     }
{ accept. Keeping only FD_ACCEPT and FD_CLOSE solved the problem.        }
{ Anyway, a listening socket doesn't send nor receive any data so those  }
{ notification are useless.                                              }

Sounds like the same problem.

Arno Garrels [TeamICS]

Éric Fleming Bonilha wrote:
> Hello all!
> I´m having a strange problem on my app using ICS 6, I have noticed
> that my server service raises an exception "Access violation at
> address 7C8224B2 in module 'ntdll.dll'" but I didn´t got where the
> problem is happening, analysing the error logs I realised that this
> error is being raised when a client tries to connect to the server,
> but this error is just happening on Windows 2003, on XP is OK and the
> strange is that has no time to occur, it works fine for the most of
> the time, but sometimes it starts raising those exceptions and my
> server sofware crashes.
> I have searched on google for this error and I saw a message that was
> sent to this list that another user had the same problem as me and it
> was said that the user has changed some lines of code on ICS and
> solved it
> This problem is happening on a lot of mine customers using Windows
> 2003, on WIndows XP it doesn´t happens
> Any Ideas????
> Following is the message that Fraçois wrote about the problem:
> Thanks!!!
> Éric
>> A user reported to me that winsock.accept generate an access
>> violation at address 7C8224B2 in ntdll.dll when is program runs on a
>> w2K3 SP1 computer, and only one such computer. He found that
>> changing the lines:
>>   FSelectEvent := FD_READ   or FD_WRITE or
>>                   FD_ACCEPT or FD_CLOSE;
>>   iStatus      := WSocket_WSAASyncSelect(FHSocket, Handle,
>>                                          WM_ASYNCSELECT,
>> FSelectEvent);
>> into:
>>   FSelectEvent := FD_ACCEPT;   // Not all events,  other wise Access
>> violation 7C8224B2 in NtDll in Window 2003 sp1.
>>   iStatus      := WSocket_WSAASyncSelect(FHSocket, Handle,
>>                                          WM_ASYNCSELECT,
>> FSelectEvent);
>> solved the problem.
>> Any one else noticed similar problem ?
>> Removing FD_READ and FD_WRITE has probably no impact on a listening
>> socket.
>> But removing FD_CLOSE probably has (I have yet to do some testing).
>> Any tought ?
>> Than
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