Correct, the calling thread won't be blocked.
I have checked the ICS code, and I found this:
OverbyteIcsWSocket.pas on line 7290 (TCustomWSocket.Connect)
if not FAddrResolved then begin
{ The next line will trigger an exception in case of failure }
sin.sin_addr.s_addr :=
FAddrResolved := TRUE;
So, when I first call connect, it will try to resolve the host by using
This is a sync routine, it just quits when it resolves, and in that case,
the thread will be blocked until the address is resolved.
That is the problem that I´m having, because on my customer site it takes 2
seconds to resolve the ip address, and during this time, all TCP
communications are dead, because the .Connect method is called from the
communication thread context
Am I using an old version of ICS? I´m using version 7 with D2010.
If this is the right way of ICS working, then I think I have to make a DNS
lookup thread
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