Fastream Technologies wrote:
> I have tried what you said but it still gives "read of address
> 00000000". 
> This is the problematic line:
> adminHTTPServer = new THttpServer(NULL);

I know :)

> Maybe you call it with a non-null parameter in your tests? But this
> should also work because I need full control over when the instance
> is destructed!

It has nothing to do with that.

Create a new VCL Forms application, drop a button on the form and
try this (proper includes and defines provided): 

void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
 THttpServer * httpsrv;
 breakpoint here ==> httpsrv = new THttpServer(NULL);
 delete httpsrv;

(works for me)

Start stepping into (F7) and I bet you'll notice some crazy jump
somewhere :)

Arno Garrels

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