Hello again,

I have been doing more tests to try and find out which end is causing the problem.

My latest setup is to use the IcsSslFtpTst1 demo program and connect it to the IcsSslFtpServ1 demo program.

The client demo has been modified to display the number of times I press the "Get" button and display a running total of the bytes received.

This shows the same problem. After a number of "Gets" which usually corressponds to about a total of 2 Megabytes of received data, the errors are generated and it all stops. It is not clear which end bombs out first. ClientError at the client end and an exception at the server.

Both ends of this setup are running Windows 10.
Just a simple network between the two ends.

Any clues as to whether or not there is something wrong with the ICS components or is it my setup?


On 10/01/2018 10:03, Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd wrote:
I have 2 ftp components and both are logged into the server. The
first just does a LIST command every 3 seconds. The second does
the GET commands.
After 198 GETs I receive and error 10054. I re-connect both ftp
clients and after a further 198 GETs the same thing happens again.
So you have continuous open control channels, and do 198 SSL gets, each
will open and close a new data channel, with a new SSL negotiation and
session each time.

There are no known restrictions in ICS over number of SSL sessions that
can be opened, I've done thousands in a single thread.

However ICS does have various SSL session caching options, and
depending on which you are using that might be the issue.  Never really
looked closely at session caching, it just seems to work.

So most likely the FTP server SSL implementation is bad.  Have you
tried downloading 250 files using FileZilla and SSL?  Should replicate
what your application is doing.

I would say long idle FTP sessions are not a good idea, servers like to
timeout long sessions and are not usually tested for long idle periods.
So having your application periodically log-off and on again may help
long term, you'll need that anyway to cope with bad internet


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