Am 30.07.2010 10:49, schrieb Bjoern Pedersen:
> Am 30.07.2010 09:23, schrieb Bjoern Pedersen:
>> Am 29.07.2010 20:20, schrieb Björn Wendeler:
>>> Hola Dave,
>>> it's kind of strange. Honestly, it is getting "better," but still not
>>> working 100% correct.
>>> Please see:
>>> vs.
>>> ...which should be
>> I just did a test during an realurl upgrade. In the pre-1.8  version the
>> path comes out correctly, the following versions show this behaviour. So
>> it seems to be a realurl bug.
>> Björn
> looking at the devlog:
>  30.07.2010 10:46:42 by realurl: [tfkrckwzavi...@urauaaaaf] Entering
> encodeSpURL for index.php?id=39&L=1
>  ===> english version, correct
> 30.07.2010 10:46:42 by realurl: [tfkrckwzavi...@urauaaaaf] Starting URL
> encode
> 30.07.2010 10:46:42 by realurl: [tfkrckwzavi...@urauaaaaf] Entering
> encodeSpURL for index.php?id=39&cHash=c6aa9cfda5199292780527056eec183b
> ===> german version from cHashCache but cHash is for englisgh version
> 30.07.2010 10:46:42 by realurl: [tfkrckwzavi...@urauaaaaf] Starting URL
> encode
> 30.07.2010 10:46:42 by realurl: [tfkrckwzavi...@urauaaaaf] Entering
> encodeSpURL for index.php?id=39&L=1&cHash=c6aa9cfda5199292780527056eec183b
> ==> english version , OK

a quick fix:

around line 418 in  class.tx_srlanguagemenu_pi1.php:
comment this out, it removes the L-parameter if not using

        /*      if (!$this->rlmp_language_detectionLoaded) {
                        $GLOBALS['TSFE']->linkVars = preg_replace('/&L=0/' , '',
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