
Andi wrote:
Than also no more unfair excuses like Toelleiv is alone . .. would exist. 
Dmitry and now Toelliev did with those two extensions the best what could 
happen ever to TYPO3. They made TYPO3 understandable and very easy to use even 
for non devs!!!

Dmitry and Tolleiv have my full and I guess the full respect from all those who 
are using TYPO3 in a futuristic looking forward to the world approach with 
TemplaVoila and Url rewrites.

Thank you.

On the subject of ignoring I would say it is not really "ignoring". Their was a topic once about including TemplaVoila to the core but it was decided not to do it. Whether it is right or not, I would not judge. One of reasons behind this decision was that TYPO3 core tries to stay as lean as possible. Core should include only extensions that the majority of people use. It is true that many people use TemplaVoila, though the percentage is not that high among core people.

Anyway, Tolleiv did a great job in past years to support TemplaVoila alone and I hope TemplaVoila will stay healthy for much longer. (I tried to commit a couple of fixes some time ago but TemplaVoila needs a signed CLA now and I am too lazy to sign and send it, so I did not commit anything).

Dmitry Dulepov

Simplicity will save the world.

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