
Am 13.10.2012 14:18, schrieb Thomas Skierlo:
> Try it yourself and google for "TYPO3 and
> gridelements" or "TYPO3 custom content elements fluid extbase" and you
> will come in touch with articles about the new "TV killers".
> [...]
> In a 2012 ECMS you shouldn't be urged to install a long dependency chain
> of extensions just to get content in a more sophisticated way

yeah everybody agrees on that. See the core list for thread "Page module
update/upgrade" We need a better page module to be able to make a better
possibility to present content elements.

> But
> still no official, easy or understandable way to handle multiple content
> within one CE. An ECMS definitely doesn't need a real-estate selling
> tool as a base component, but when it comes to "C" part of ECMS, there
> should be no limits.

again. no doubt! This is definitly something which should be done with
one of the next releases. Just some words about the "c" from my daily
work: Most of our clients does not need those FCE because the content
comes from somewhere else, like MSSQL views which are imported via
doctrine and are shown with extbase/fluid. This shouldn't be an excuse
but maybe a kind of reason.

> To answer your question: Integrators need a modern way to
> handle content - whatever that may mean.

no need for more lines: yes I share your concern and wishes.

> "News" was the first community extension
> from the extbase shelf I ever used in production.

Thanks! Btw I do get fairly no feedback, including from integrators, to
know if ext:news is good to use, if they saved some time with it, what
is missing... ;)

> Now: Substitute "News" by "Clear and modern general templating - abr.:
> Modern Templating" and ask the very same questions. You'll get my
> position if your ansers would match mine:
> A ECMS without "Modern Templating" is worthless. Does everybody needs
> Modern Templating? No. Do most of the people using TYPO3 need Modern
> Templating? Without any doubt. OK, no room for a system extension called
> "Modern Templating", because there might be installations without it.
> Big problem, because currently no community extension fully covers the
> need. Not because of a lack of technology, which is available for nearly
> 4 years. Red lights on - blinking!

Sorry this is wrong. Yes there is a modern way of modern templating: it
is called fluid. All new BE modules are based on it, Flow uses it, Neos
uses it.

But YES - again - a way of creating FCEs and grids is  missing in the core.

> Now people might call that "complaining" - I'd rather use the phrase
> "warning". I want to prepare myself for the future, and I'm stuck, and
> worried. And maybe I'm not alone.

So let sit togehther, virtual or in riality and discuss the FCE/page
module/grid thing and let us name if "content improvements in 6.1"
instead of "worried about 6.0"?


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